The action thriller from Lionsgate sees Gerard Butler play Brodie Torrance, a pilot who finds himself in a warzone after he’s forced to land a commercial aircraft during a storm. Directed by Jean-François Richet, it also stars Mike Colter, Daniella Pineda, Yoson An, and Tony Goldwyn as passengers who Butler takes it upon himself to try and defend. Watch the trailer below. Shot in Puerto Rico, the film has a fairly tumultuous backstory, like any dodgy plane ride. First announced in 2016, it was acquired by Lionsgate Films in 2019 before being sold to Solstice Studios in 2020 and was eventually re-acquired by Lionsgate last year. For Butler, it follows this year’s Last Seen Alive, which proved something of a flop. The Scottish actor will be hoping Plane, set for release in January next year, will have more of a lift-off.
First trailer for Plane featuring Gerard Butler has been released
The trailer for next year’s film Plane, featuring Gerard Butler, has been released.
The action thriller from Lionsgate sees Gerard Butler play Brodie Torrance, a pilot who finds himself in a warzone after he’s forced to land a commercial aircraft during a storm. Directed by Jean-François Richet, it also stars Mike Colter, Daniella Pineda, Yoson An, and Tony Goldwyn as passengers who Butler takes it upon himself to try and defend. Watch the trailer below. Shot in Puerto Rico, the film has a fairly tumultuous backstory, like any dodgy plane ride. First announced in 2016, it was acquired by Lionsgate Films in 2019 before being sold to Solstice Studios in 2020 and was eventually re-acquired by Lionsgate last year. For Butler, it follows this year’s Last Seen Alive, which proved something of a flop. The Scottish actor will be hoping Plane, set for release in January next year, will have more of a lift-off.