Shi Heng Jiu

As a 35th generation Shaolin disciple, Shi Heng Jiu is part of a long tradition. But, as he explains from the Shaolin Temple UK, the martial art practice has evolved.

An Interview: Episode 01


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man at bar

Kanpai (An Interview: Episode 07)

Kanpai, translation: “cheers!” More specifically, “dry your cup.” In the same spirit of celebration, whynow shot with Peckham-based Kanpai – the London craft sake makers who have brought traditional Japanese techniques to the capital. For God’s sake, give it a watch.

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Sol Bailey-Barker (An Interview: Episode 08)

Sol Bailey-Barker compiles artefacts and remnants to construct immersive installations and environments. The multi-disciplinary artist works with sound, sculpture and performance that call to his nature of being “stuck between reality and dream” as a result of an auto-immune disease he faced as a child. In these tough times for our community and beyond, here is the dreamlike world of Bailey-Barker.


Blenheim Forge (An Interview: Episode 09)

In Peckham’s Blenheim Forge, exceptional Japanese-inspired kitchen knives are crafted by hand to the most exacting standards, but it started out as a backyard hobby. Here, owners Jon Warshawsky and Richard Warner explain all.

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