Albert Louden

‘I’ve just worked on my own’: the succinct words of Albert Louden, used to sum up his colorful, creative and solo pursuit in the art world. Here he shares his thoughts with whynow as part of our ‘Outsider Art’ series.

Outsider Art: Episode 04

richard c smith

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man at desk

Colin Rhodes (Outsider Art: Episode 07)

Writer, artist and educator Professor Colin Rhodes is an expert on Outsider Art. The author of Outsider Art: Spontaneous Alternatives, here he lends his historical and authoritative knowledge to help demystify the medium and discuss its origins.

man with statue

Richard C Smith (Outsider Art: Episode 01)

Richard C Smith is a self-taught Outsider Artist, represented by the Henry Boxer Gallery in London. From the sixties to nineties, Smith led a turbulent life due to drug dependency, spending time in prison and working as a grave digger.


George Widener (Outsider Art: Episode 02)

Savant and former Cold War spy George Widener has turned his fascination with calendars into an artistic pursuit. He is now an internationally-renowned artist and speaks to whynow about his craft, calculating chaos and predicting the future for our ‘Outsider Art’ series.

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