Archie Proudfoot

Archie Proudfoot’s prints explore our relationship with words using bold colours and playful styles. Throughout lockdown, he’s been using traditional techniques to hone his craft of bespoke sign painting.

Open House: SO2 EP03

Archie Proudfoot - Open House Interview

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Open House

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Tom White’s colourful oils explore the vulnerability of the human condition. In episode 6 of Open House, he takes us through his artistic journey from pop culture to deeply personal self-portraits.

Halifax piece hall

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We might be back in lockdown, but the UK’s artists are still creating and they've invited us into their home studios. In episode 1, sculptor and printmaker Alice Irwin shows us how the playground inspires her work.

Open House

Rebecca Gilpin (Open House: Episode 06)

Rebecca Gilpin creates visual rhythms on canvas. In episode 9, she tells us how listening to music shaped her latest series, Magic Carpet ride; and why the sea plays an important role in her work.

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