19.3 million Playstation 5s Sold Since the Console’s Launch

The PS5 launched in 2020 and Sony has struggled to meet the demand for their newest console, but the company had their strongest year.

ps5 sony

The PS5 launched in 2020 and Sony has struggled to meet the demand for their newest console, but despite missing targets, the company had their strongest year in sales last year.

Revealing their 2021 financial results, Sony has managed to ship 19.3 million PS5 consoles. It’s a staggering number, especially since it seems that it’s still near impossible to get a PS5 almost two years after the console became available. 

Although the number of units sold is high, it was still over 3 million short of Sony’s original target. Sony estimated they would sell 14.8 million units last financial year, but only managed to shift 11.1 million units.

There is a global shortage on semiconductors, which affects not only PlayStation but also Xbox, as well as car manufacturing. Despite this, Sony has managed to keep the interest in their console high and new stock disappears from online shops within seconds. 

Playstation-5The catchily-titled supplemental information report also reveals that Sony is doing well in games sales, reporting 43.9 million first-party games having been sold in the financial year.

Sony is pulling decent numbers for its PlayStation Plus as well, and will be offering fans the opportunity to upgrade their gaming subscription service and choose from three tiers of subscription. 

There’s no word on when the stock on semiconductors, and gaming consoles, will improve but it’s looking like we’ll have to wait a long while still. Despite this, Sony has set a target of 18 million PS5 units being sold between April 2022 and March 2023. 

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