Former employee Emma Majo has resubmitted her gender discrimination lawsuit against Sony and PlayStation in California.
The lawsuit, which was submitted in November 2021, was dismissed in April due to lack of evidence but according to Axiom, Emma Majo has now resubmitted her lawsuit to a California court, with more facts and evidence that Sony and PlayStation discriminate against women.
Majo, an IT security analyst, was terminated from Sony in 2021 after filing a gender bias complaint, accusing Sony of favouring men over women. Majo then sued the company, claiming men were paid more, which goes directly against the Equal Pay Act, and that women were passed up for promotions in favour of men.
While the first lawsuit was dismissed by a judge, they noted that a new lawsuit was possible as some of Majo’s original claims had merit. The judge who dismissed the original claim recommended that Majo include testimonials from other women who have experienced discrimination.
Majo clearly took the advice as the lawsuit now also includes the testimonies of eight more women who have made allegations about sexual harrassment and discrimination within the company. The new lawsuit seeks compensation for damages for all women who have worked in PlayStation’s California locations, below vice president level.
The games industry is still largely male-dominated. According to a study by Fnatic, 70% of UK gaming industry employees are male and only 3% of the women who do work within the gaming industry, were in a director role or similar. These are devastating statistics concerning the study also recognises that a billion women play games, so the interest is there.
Sony hasn’t commented on the lawsuit as of yet.