Christopher Bucklow

We visited Christopher Bucklow’s Somerset studio, where he creates dream-like portraits through experimental pinhole photography.

An Interview: Episode 06


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putty mask

Wilfrid Wood (An Interview: Episode 10)

Wilfrid Wood transforms well-known faces into playful, yet uncanny portraits. The artist invites us into his studio and explains why, to him, the human face is the most fascinating thing in the universe.

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Sol Bailey-Barker (An Interview: Episode 08)

Sol Bailey-Barker compiles artefacts and remnants to construct immersive installations and environments. The multi-disciplinary artist works with sound, sculpture and performance that call to his nature of being “stuck between reality and dream” as a result of an auto-immune disease he faced as a child. In these tough times for our community and beyond, here is the dreamlike world of Bailey-Barker.

Big Zuu Interview

Big Zuu (An Interview: SO2 EP06)

We caught up with Big Zuu about his rise to stardom - from freestyling at his local youth club, to becoming a household name in the grime scene, the BAFTA nominated TV chef and author is a man of many talents.

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